Sunday, September 1, 2013

Writers, Assemble!

Two of my classmates are back in town! I'm was very excited to see them. They will only be staying about a month or so, but we are going to have a blast while they are here. So this week I spent time helping my friends move and get settled in but even more time working on my script for school. I've just sent off the latest treatment and it's a mess. Maybe I'll talk more about it when I like my story again.

This weekend we went to see the Whitworth Weekending activities being held. It was mostly for families and children, but there were still some cute things to see :)

They hung a bunch of umbrellas in the tree which I thought looked adorable.

Have I told you guys about the allotments before? I have never heard of any in the States, but I have a few friends here with allotment plots. Basically there is the huge plot of land in the middle of a neighborhood and you can buy allotments there where you all garden together. This little exhibit is a nod to these gardeners but all the "plants" are pieces of art. I thought it was an interesting idea.

Here is just a shot of the weekend in general. There were a couple of booths up, spread over the park. They were selling little crafty homemade items mostly and a couple of food booths on the edges. We were tempted to buy some ice-cream but it was too cold that day for us to really want ice cream. It was a very busy stall though so the cold wasn't a deterrent for most of the British people. I'm a wimp and I know it. I'm alright with that :P

This week I'm working full time for just the one week then the school semester starts and I'm back to part-time restrictions again, but I won't have a job beyond this one week so it doesn't really matter. I doubt I will have much to share or photograph next week, but you never know.

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