Sunday, September 8, 2013

Intense Work

I was working this week. I've worked here before but this week was just exhausting. 7.25 hours of moving books. My legs were sore halfway through the week and now my hand is sore and I'm sleepy. This is essentially what we were doing before but it didn't feel this intense last time. Maybe my time off has just left me out of shape again.  Whatever the reason, the result is that I'm feeling very reluctant to tackle my school work, but I have a deadline Tuesday...I guess this is where I've just gotta suck it up and tell myself I can sleep when I'm dead. Ah well.

Not a lot of picture taking done at work so nothing to share with you there this week.

I've had a good weekend though. I babysat some kids Friday night which was a lot of fun, volunteered on Saturday, and Sunday was a big lunch celebration for a couple's 50th wedding anniversary which was great.

Now...the struggle between work and sleep. Talk to you guys again next week!

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