Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mmm, Meatloaf

Nothing much to report for this week. Busy working.

This wicker piece is sitting out in Whitworth Park, a leftover from the Weekending celebrations. When I was there I saw the artist weaving it. The design is based on another artist's work. The pose looks awkward to me, but I admire the skill weaving the material it took to make this.

This Sunday I was feeling bored with the recipes I had been using so I went out of my way to find some new things to try. I have no work this week so I have plenty of time to slowly work my way through new recipes. Today was meatloaf!

It was soooooo good. I hadn't known I missed meatloaf that much. I've got enough to have some meatloaf, or meatloaf sandwiches, all week. It didn't take too much prep time compared to other things I've stuffed bell peppers. It did take an hour to cook by which time I was starving. Obviously should think ahead a bit better next time.

This week I've got a few little things planned, but mostly it is time to focus on school work again. I found a new park, but it is suppose to rain all week so I won't be able to really enjoy it until next weekend most likely :) This may be a good opportunity to take some nice moody, rainy photos though. We'll have to see.

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