Sunday, August 25, 2013

Last of my Lazy Days

School officially starts back September 1st. That is my first deadline for my final project so it's time for me to set aside the gaming and get serious about writing again. I didn't take many pictures this week but I stayed busy this week running around.

I went horseback riding again and took this picture of some sheep because I know you guys haven't seen enough sheep pictures yet!

I made myself breaded fried okra. So yummy. Okra is right up there with my constant southern food cravings, along with burritos and etouffee. I should become an expert at cooking some of these.
I have a roommate (or flatmate, which would be the British term) now and she has decided that she wants to learn cake decorating. I've posted a picture or two of my kitchen before. It's very small. If we do undertake this I think we will need to put a sheet out on my living room floor and work on my dining table as well as the kitchen. I think it could be really fun to try, but logistically...oh boy. We'll see if we go through with this or not :)
I started volunteering this week! So far so good. Hopefully it stays as fun and relaxed as my first day. For now I'm working one day, volunteering for 4 hours.
I don't think I have any other news to share. I'm making a call for any burrito and etouffee recipes you guys have made and enjoyed. My etouffee I make is alright, but not on the level of Yats. My burritos are just boxed sets right now and that is just not impressive. Send me recipes to try :)


  1. Love and miss you! Your sheep pics are like story book photos! Love them! Hugs

  2. Sorry you are so sore, I am too from picking chili peppers at Uncle Gene's yesterday!
