Sunday, August 11, 2013

Gallery of Costume

This week I went with a group to see the Whitworth Art Gallery and the Gallery of Costume. I had been to the art gallery before so I took my sketchbook with me to play with, but I had never been to the Gallery of Costume before. It was really neat.

I had a nice lunch at Whitworth after looking around the gallery. They only sold coke in glass bottles so I splurged and got one :) The roses on the tables were really pretty. If I were going to attempt some kind of gardening, I'd want to have unique roses like that.

The special exhibit at the Gallery of Costume featured Christian Dior.

My favorite outfit is that brown coat. I would happily wear that one! <3 Family members who can sew, you are welcome to make me a jacket like that :P

Some fancy Christian Dior dresses

This was from the Victorian era I believe. This dress caught my eye. My favorite of the older styles I think.

There were some hats on display too. The lip one is entertaining.

This afternoon I went to see Wadjda with a friend from church. Different from the mainstream stuff I normally go see so I wasn't sure what to expect when we went, but I really enjoyed it. Was an interesting viewpoint on the lives of women in Saudi Arabia. Certainly had a message it was pushing but carried a clear story as well and the little love story between her and the neighbor boy is adorable. If it happens to be in a theater near you I recommend it.

Just a short update this week. Mostly just letting everyone know that, yes, I'm still alive!

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