Sunday, September 29, 2013

Visit to the Museum

As the inventive title suggests, I visited the Manchester Museum this week.

Very impressive collection of Egyptian artifacts. I took lots of pictures but these were some of my favorites. I'd like to go back some time with a sketch book and go through some these exhibits ponderously slowly and just sketch everything in sight :)

Anubis things are the best!
There was a special exhibit about animal life. I've only been here the one time so I'm not sure what parts are the special exhibit and which are always on display. This skeleton is really cool, though.

Just a small taster of what I saw at the museum. Other than that I kept busy this week but nothing too exciting. Feeling extra lazy today so that's all I've got to say.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

ALTON TOWERS and biscuits

I have pictures to share this week :D

I've joined a volunteer local film group. Basically for people interested in working with film in any capacity. We just find little projects that interest us and have with it. Right now we are hoping to make a little promotional piece for a Credit Union based on a poem that was written for them.

Why does this follow the above picture? The meetings are at Fletcher Moss Park and this is the gate there to enter some of the gardens. Doesn't the friendly architecture invite you in? The park is actually really gorgeous. I didn't take pictures of the actual garden that day because the trees were covered in streamers. I think it was decorated for a wedding happening that weekend. I will be back often though and will have more pictures for you.

My roommate and I have been trying to decorate a cake. It has been a bit of a learning process...

This week, we got the fondant made before the cakes so that part was good. The first cake we made however (the partially eaten one here) we put too much in the pan and it overflowed and didn't cook properly because it was thicker than the directions I was following. After a few tries we got it cooked but it was in no fit shape to be covered in fondant. So we made another one (this was our third cake attempt). As you can see that one looked much nicer.
Our fondant applying skills could still use some work but we finally did it!

I went to Alton Towers this weekend with the Salford student union group. I had asked multiple people to go with me but my friends here are not thrill seekers apparently. I've been wanting to go to Alton Towers since...February, so I decided I would no longer be deterred! I booked my lonely, single ticket and joined the bus to Alton Towers on my lonesome. Thankfully upon arrival I was immediately adopted by two of my bus mates and they let me follow them around showed me which ones were the best rides to go on in the limited time we had. We were there from 10-5, 7 hours and we barely scratched the surface of the rides. This is probably because we were there on a Saturday, fighting with all the normal people, with jobs, and kids out of school...If I decide to go back on my own, I'll try a weekday next time.

This is the new ride, The Smiler. We stood in line for an hour and a half for this one. It is super popular. It was awesome, but I would wait for a much shorter line next time.

This is Rita (the rollercoaster's name, not anyone in the picture).

The towers of Alton Towers :D

This is Nemesis. The second to last ride we went on and it was GREAT. Maybe my favorite ride. I haven't ever ridden the ones where your feet are dangling. We also stood in the separate line so we were at the very front. I loved this ride.
Me, at the theme park and one of the people who adopted me for the day :D

Map and ticket :) I didn't buy's just a theme park.

I was talking to my British friends and we were discussing the difference between American biscuits, and British biscuits...they aren't the same. So I told them I'd make some to bring on Sunday. I didn't bother to use a special biscuit cutter. I used my wine glasses instead! I'm posting this just to bother my aunt who was semi-scandalized by my sister and I drinking coke out of wine they are also biscuit cutters. Why haven't I had wine glasses my whole life? They are so versatile :P

The finished biscuits :D I got many compliments and I don't think I made quite enough for everyone so I will have to make 'em again. I was practically drooling over them as I took them to church. I will be making some more for myself as well.
By the by, I wanted to share some apple butter to go with my biscuits, but couldn't find any at the local grocery store. The lady I asked about it had never heard of it. Does anyone know good recipes for making it yourself? I'm not sure that I want to go into jam making, but if there is a simple way you guys know of I'd love to have some for myself. Then we'll see about sharing.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mmm, Meatloaf

Nothing much to report for this week. Busy working.

This wicker piece is sitting out in Whitworth Park, a leftover from the Weekending celebrations. When I was there I saw the artist weaving it. The design is based on another artist's work. The pose looks awkward to me, but I admire the skill weaving the material it took to make this.

This Sunday I was feeling bored with the recipes I had been using so I went out of my way to find some new things to try. I have no work this week so I have plenty of time to slowly work my way through new recipes. Today was meatloaf!

It was soooooo good. I hadn't known I missed meatloaf that much. I've got enough to have some meatloaf, or meatloaf sandwiches, all week. It didn't take too much prep time compared to other things I've stuffed bell peppers. It did take an hour to cook by which time I was starving. Obviously should think ahead a bit better next time.

This week I've got a few little things planned, but mostly it is time to focus on school work again. I found a new park, but it is suppose to rain all week so I won't be able to really enjoy it until next weekend most likely :) This may be a good opportunity to take some nice moody, rainy photos though. We'll have to see.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Intense Work

I was working this week. I've worked here before but this week was just exhausting. 7.25 hours of moving books. My legs were sore halfway through the week and now my hand is sore and I'm sleepy. This is essentially what we were doing before but it didn't feel this intense last time. Maybe my time off has just left me out of shape again.  Whatever the reason, the result is that I'm feeling very reluctant to tackle my school work, but I have a deadline Tuesday...I guess this is where I've just gotta suck it up and tell myself I can sleep when I'm dead. Ah well.

Not a lot of picture taking done at work so nothing to share with you there this week.

I've had a good weekend though. I babysat some kids Friday night which was a lot of fun, volunteered on Saturday, and Sunday was a big lunch celebration for a couple's 50th wedding anniversary which was great.

Now...the struggle between work and sleep. Talk to you guys again next week!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Writers, Assemble!

Two of my classmates are back in town! I'm was very excited to see them. They will only be staying about a month or so, but we are going to have a blast while they are here. So this week I spent time helping my friends move and get settled in but even more time working on my script for school. I've just sent off the latest treatment and it's a mess. Maybe I'll talk more about it when I like my story again.

This weekend we went to see the Whitworth Weekending activities being held. It was mostly for families and children, but there were still some cute things to see :)

They hung a bunch of umbrellas in the tree which I thought looked adorable.

Have I told you guys about the allotments before? I have never heard of any in the States, but I have a few friends here with allotment plots. Basically there is the huge plot of land in the middle of a neighborhood and you can buy allotments there where you all garden together. This little exhibit is a nod to these gardeners but all the "plants" are pieces of art. I thought it was an interesting idea.

Here is just a shot of the weekend in general. There were a couple of booths up, spread over the park. They were selling little crafty homemade items mostly and a couple of food booths on the edges. We were tempted to buy some ice-cream but it was too cold that day for us to really want ice cream. It was a very busy stall though so the cold wasn't a deterrent for most of the British people. I'm a wimp and I know it. I'm alright with that :P

This week I'm working full time for just the one week then the school semester starts and I'm back to part-time restrictions again, but I won't have a job beyond this one week so it doesn't really matter. I doubt I will have much to share or photograph next week, but you never know.