Sunday, August 25, 2013

Last of my Lazy Days

School officially starts back September 1st. That is my first deadline for my final project so it's time for me to set aside the gaming and get serious about writing again. I didn't take many pictures this week but I stayed busy this week running around.

I went horseback riding again and took this picture of some sheep because I know you guys haven't seen enough sheep pictures yet!

I made myself breaded fried okra. So yummy. Okra is right up there with my constant southern food cravings, along with burritos and etouffee. I should become an expert at cooking some of these.
I have a roommate (or flatmate, which would be the British term) now and she has decided that she wants to learn cake decorating. I've posted a picture or two of my kitchen before. It's very small. If we do undertake this I think we will need to put a sheet out on my living room floor and work on my dining table as well as the kitchen. I think it could be really fun to try, but logistically...oh boy. We'll see if we go through with this or not :)
I started volunteering this week! So far so good. Hopefully it stays as fun and relaxed as my first day. For now I'm working one day, volunteering for 4 hours.
I don't think I have any other news to share. I'm making a call for any burrito and etouffee recipes you guys have made and enjoyed. My etouffee I make is alright, but not on the level of Yats. My burritos are just boxed sets right now and that is just not impressive. Send me recipes to try :)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Horseback Riding

I got to go horseback riding this week!

I was very excited at the beginning of the week. The equestrian centre I went to had a taster session, so I emailed them about it. I wanted to make sure I wasn't required to wear some particular English riding gear, but they assured me that I should just show up. I did and loved it.

The farm. It takes me over an hour to get here by bus, but it is well worth the trip.

Some of the horses. I attended the taster session and used it as an assessment with the instructor to see what classes the recommended I take next. They suggested I take a few private lessons to retrain me to English riding then I can join group classes in jumping if I want, or continue with private lessons. I signed up immediately and they booked me to start the next day!
I have to say, private lessons are a lot more intense than the group lessons I took when I was little. It was great to be back on a horse but some of the changes with English riding kinda threw me. Rather than using your knees you use your lower legs which will take some getting used to. I also have to keep a much shorter rein than I'm use to. My grandparent's horse I rode last was great with neck reining but I've gotta break that habit now.

Besides horses they also have sheep at the farm. I still take pictures whenever I see British sheep. They are too cute.

Haven't done too much other than the horse riding this week. While waiting for one of my buses in Salford I took a picture of this building. Reminds me of a mural in Indy I would pass everyday when I was at my aunt and uncle's one summer.

I don't have any big plans for this upcoming week yet, but I'm sure I will find something fun to do! I'll be continuing the horseback riding so it's already guaranteed to be a fantastic week.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Gallery of Costume

This week I went with a group to see the Whitworth Art Gallery and the Gallery of Costume. I had been to the art gallery before so I took my sketchbook with me to play with, but I had never been to the Gallery of Costume before. It was really neat.

I had a nice lunch at Whitworth after looking around the gallery. They only sold coke in glass bottles so I splurged and got one :) The roses on the tables were really pretty. If I were going to attempt some kind of gardening, I'd want to have unique roses like that.

The special exhibit at the Gallery of Costume featured Christian Dior.

My favorite outfit is that brown coat. I would happily wear that one! <3 Family members who can sew, you are welcome to make me a jacket like that :P

Some fancy Christian Dior dresses

This was from the Victorian era I believe. This dress caught my eye. My favorite of the older styles I think.

There were some hats on display too. The lip one is entertaining.

This afternoon I went to see Wadjda with a friend from church. Different from the mainstream stuff I normally go see so I wasn't sure what to expect when we went, but I really enjoyed it. Was an interesting viewpoint on the lives of women in Saudi Arabia. Certainly had a message it was pushing but carried a clear story as well and the little love story between her and the neighbor boy is adorable. If it happens to be in a theater near you I recommend it.

Just a short update this week. Mostly just letting everyone know that, yes, I'm still alive!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Lazy Week

Had a lazy week this week. I had no responsibilities for once so I...played video games. Hours of video games :D After a whole week of video games though I feel like it is time to be productive again.

It had been a rainy week so I spent my time finding new ways to use the leftover ingredients in my cupboards. My friends gave me a bunch of muesli so I bought myself some yogurt and have had parfait breakfasts :)
Inspired by the rainy weather, and armed with my mixing palette my sister brought, I did this mixed medium drawing and added it to the wall of art. I think this one turned out really well.

End of the week I ventured out of the house in order to do some house hunting for a friend. While out on my viewing excursions I stopped at the Didsbury library for the first time. I meant to just look around, but I couldn't resist and I checked out a large stack of books to keep me company.
Saturday I participated in the church walk for the first time. When they say walk, what they generally mean is hike. This week they were doing an easy walk so I decided to give it a try and see if I would survive hiking in the British countryside. Not only did I survive but I had a great time. I will have to be even more adventurous and try the harder "walks" next time.

We were walking in Delamere Forest. Lots of beautiful views and wildlife. Saw some cows and sheep!

View of one of the lakes.

We saw a variety of butterflies. This one was the only one still enough to get a picture of ;)

Our main goal of the day was to make it to this pond where the dragonflies were. We stopped and had our lunch here and it was very peaceful and picturesque.

I have many attempted pictures of the dragonflies. Most didn't turn out but this one was pretty good.

We also walked to this lake. As we were walking away a bunch of people walked up with their dogs. One excited pup had jumped into the bog and was elbow deep in mud. They encouraged all the dogs to take a swim but the muddy one was the only one not interested in jumping in and getting cleaned off. The joys of owning a dog! 

Afterward we stopped at the café for ice cream. I saw this fridge full of Coke that was just screaming at me to take a picture. I may have a slight addiction :P
So that is the update for last week. I am over my lazy video game obsession (well, mostly) and this week I have a list of productive, useful things to do. May mean less pictures to show, we'll see :)