Monday, October 29, 2012

Week 8

Whew, another week of classes, a very exhausting week. Learned a bunch of stuff and wrote a whole lotta stuff. I'm currently working on a thirty minute script, I've turned in the second draft so only one draft to go. Also working on the treatment - basic story plot - for my first feature film script. I'm a lot more excited about my feature film than my 30 minute script. I'm ready for that one to be done.

Besides school I've also stayed busy doing fun stuff this week. Last Sunday night, the 21st, I went an saw an elvis impersonater. He was okay but not great. We went to a bar called Stag's Head to see the performance which had a different atmosphere from the other bars we've gone to. This one was pretty quiet when we first entered. There were a lot more of the older Finnish generation here rather than the loud college crowd that have been at most of the bars.

Monday I went wandering around the city with some of my classmates. It was a rare sunny day in Tampere and really nice.
We went to an observation tower and this was our view just walking to the tower.

The tower itself.
The view from the tower.
Saw this cool statue while we were walking around.
We also visited this little market. It was so cute. Reminded me of the markets I went to in Indie with Jess.

The fountains are all closed down now. Most of them get this nice glass covering, I don't know why the otter fountain got an ugly metal box...

Thursday night it snowed! Yay! This is the view from my doorway.

Me, waiting at the bus stop in the snow. The number 3 bus is the closest to my house but since it only runs twice in an hour sometimes I walk 10 minutes to get to the main street and take other buses. It's a lot nicer to just take the number 3 though.
For the last week or so they've been putting up these lights along the street. Here is Moomin with a package for someone :)

Sunday, the 28th - which was also their daylight savings - they had a little ceremony with a fire show and fireworks and they turned on the lights.

Lights in front of Finlayson. We wandered around on the streets but the Moomin light wasn't turned on for some reason but everything else was. Poor Moomin.

That's all I've got for this week. I've got another week of hard work and classes ahead of me. Besides class work I need to figure out the details for my Januaray stuff, traveling to Manchester, housing in Manchester, whether or not I'm buying a times.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Week 7

I have a new washer!

The metal part inside is what stopped spinning on my old washer. I'll be sure to close it up every time from now on.

I've got all these buttons on it and no manual. The guy who installed it said to just set it at 40 and it'll be fine. I thought, okay, cold wash no problem. It wasn't until I pulled out a shrunken shirt of my first load that I realized that it was probably 40 degrees Celsius...not so cold then.

Got to wash my sheets so here is the second set I bought......

So this week I went to the theaters to see Looper, the new Bruce Willis movie with the whole time travel thing. I thought it was pretty good. Time travel always makes for a complicated plot but they did pretty well with it. I'd go see it again :)

Other than that I have been doing a lot of writing this week and haven't left the house too much. I went to see an improve comedy routine with one of my friends. I was kinda skeptical going in but they were actually really good and I had a great time.

That has been my amazing week. I thought I'd give you a look into my kitchen for those curious about what I'm eating. At home I'm eating sandwiches, pasta, or fish generally. Here are some pics.

My fridge stocked with soda, juice, hot sauce, premade pasta, and the ingredients for sandwiches.
My freezer. I have fish in the lower drawer and ice cream in the upper drawer. When I bought the ice cream I thought I was buying cake. It says "mud cake" on it. I thought that meant a particular kind of chocolate cake but apparently that is a flavor of ice cream. It has marshmallows in it like rocky road so I like it. It has lasted me for a few weeks of dessert :)

I can never figure out the cheese flavors when I'm at the grocery story, this is the latest one I got. A Danish cheese made in Finland if I remember correctly.

I could not find just plain mayo so I'm having it with a chilli flavor :) I've never had flavored mayo before but its pretty good.

Yeah, it never lasts long. Salsa just goes with everything!
I like this flavor. They have Lays chips too, but trying different potato chip brands is about as adventurous as I get.
Mmmm, my delicious sandwich, with Sprite! I bought a tomato that day to do something different. I don't buy vegetables unless you count the potato chips. I like vegetables, but they require more effort to prepare than pasta or frozen fish. I buy fruits, like plums, kiwis, or peaches to eat for breakfast when I have class that day.

After eating, I wash up my dishes by hand and they drip dry in my cabinets above the sink. It's a pretty handy set up.

Alternative view of the drying racks....

And for a final picture, these are my cooking tools. I fry the fish in the skillet, also make quesadillas with it. The pot is for my pasta and I used it once for rice but that made more than one meal's worth so I don't make it a lot. Then of course the handy-dandy microwave! When in doubt, nuke it.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week 6

This week started off great with a Tex-mex style meal at Gringos Locos. I had "original burritos" which means burritos with minced meat as opposed to chicken or vegetarian style. My friend I was eating with had Tortas which also looked good.

My burritos. they were delicious. Never had a salad and watermelon come with my mexican meal before and I had to pay extra for the guacamole ;(

The tortas. The dip she had there was sourcream and bbq, it was really yummy.
The less impressive thing I've been doing this week is battling with my landlord to fix my washing machine. I went down Wednesday, originally just to pay next month's rent, but when he saw me he assumed I was there about the washing machine. Then he tried to ask ME what should be done about it. This is what I'm paying them to figure out. By the weekend, they haven't fixed it. Their email said to contact them if takes longer than a week. I called them and their response was that "oh, we'll send them a memo. They'll get it Monday." There are no words. Really.
Despite the incompetance of Forenom I took some good pictures on my walk to their office.
This is where the otter fountain is. They've got 'em boxed up now though. I assume it will protect them from the coming freezing weather and snow....
First Finnish flag, at least that I've noticed...
Coming home, I noticed that my house is apparently in the fall mood. It is also changing colors. I could have sworn it use to be green on all sides....I have a seasonal friendly house

Other than that I went bowling this week. Didn't get any pictures though. The bowling alley had black lighting which was fun. I also spent some time writing my next script and doing some art. Merlin has started up again so I know you will be shocked that my art is Merlin centered :)

Earlier in the week, Merlin. This one I did really fast. I'm surprised it turned out as well as it did since I was only messing around.
Young Mordred! I specify his age because in the new season the character has a new, older actor (due to a 3 year time jump in the show). This one I spent more time and effort on and I'm actually pretty happy with it.

That's about it! More next week...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week 5 - museum trip

Hiya! Basically a normal school week this week. Tuesday-Thursday was lectures and the weekend was going to be spent rewriting, specifically my 10 minutes script. Friday afternoon however I wanted to spend some time enjoying the weekend before delving into the depths of homework so I went to museums with some of my classmates! The reason for doing this on Friday is that is when the Vapriikki Museum is free, from 3 - 6.

There I am giving an amazing speech. I could select froma variety of speeches or songs to have playing, but everything was in Finnish so I don't know what this particular exhibit was about.

This is from the Labor Museum. They had a bunch of pictures of factories from Helsinki and Tampere. This is the sewing machine used in one of the factories and would you look at the size of those scissors!

They had a bunch more sewing machines in the textile museum, which was connected to the Labor museum. I thought this sewing machine was cute.

This was the tiniest sewing machine, from the children's toy collection in the Vapriikki Musuem.
More toys from Vapriikki

Some Moomin dolls

This rocking horse had some rockin' hair!

Nice classic style of rocking horse
Cabbage Patch dolls in Finland!

We had fun at the museum :D This was from the textile museum I think
Now THAT is a book. Fabric company kept samples of all their fabrics in this book.

The Vapriikki Museum had an exhibit about shoes! This is one of the machines used in making shoes. You put glue on the shoe to attach the sole then put it in the machine and it'll hold it in place while it dries. It may also speed up the drying, I'm not sure because the video showing how it would work was, again, in Finnish.
They had these big machine parts in the basement, I think it was a train engine. Ai-Chi and I climbed inside while Maria took our picture.
The big black thing is this HUGE wheel in the middle of the room. I don't know what its purpose is but it had these ropes around it. Down where I'm standing there was a helpful sign telling me what I'm looking at in Finnish and English : "rope". I would never have known without the sign's guidance :D
Vapriikki Museum had a really cool exhibit with Finnish wildlife. There were skulls and stuffed examples. This is the raven. I hadn't realized how big these birds are. There is nothing in this picture so you can tell the size, but they are bigger than pigeons.
An example of Finland's Hooded Crow!
And, at the end of the day, I saw this fountain while we were leaving. It wasn't turned on and my picture is taken from too far away. I will have to go back and get a better picture.
That's all for this week!