Sunday, October 27, 2013

Penrhyn Castle

And this week, some pictures from Penrhyn Castle which I visited last Sunday...

This is a much more recently built castle, 1800s rather than the 1200s of Conwy Castle. It was built as a vacation home for a very rich lord, rather than a military castle. Lots of stylistic differences some because of the time they were built, others because Conwy and Penrhyn were built for such different reasons...

The entrance...You are crossing a bridge here, but there was never a moat (not that anyone mentioned in my hearing at least). It is there purely for looks and to be impressive. Mission accomplished.
This castle is located in Wales and you can see Snowdonia National Park in the distance.

The interior of the castle is kept to reflect the how it would have looked in its heyday. One of the first things I saw going in was the grand piano here. Excellent start.
And if the piano alone wasn't enough, the second room I found was the library. Lots of gorgeous wood furniture, as much as possible they've kept the original décor.

One of the bedrooms open for the public to see. This is the slate room. There is a lot of slate in the area so lots of the architecture and furniture utilized it. In this room, the bed is made of slate. It looks very nice doesn't sound very comfortable. Queen Victoria visited the castle at one point and was meant to stay in this room, however upon arrival decided she didn't like it and was given another room to sleep in.

Another of the bedrooms (not the one Queen Victoria ended up using). The wallpapers and fabrics are all the original ones. Some of the fabric has been falling apart and the National Trust has had to replace some but they go out of their way to duplicate the original exactly. So if it is looking faded, it is probably the real original, but if it is looking fresh then what you are seeing is probably what it looked like at the time...So some give and take here.

The dining room. Very ornate and impressive and yes, those paintings on the wall are huge.

There is also the servants quarters. Along one of the walls is all the bells, too many to get into one shot. It was a whole hallway lined with bells and their accompanying labels :)

A close up shot of some of the ivy crawling over the walls and a window.

And here, where the ivy still has leaves.

I did some drawing while I was here, but just small sketches. We spent more time here at Penrhyn but it didn't feel like it. I had just enough time to go through and see each area of the castle and then it was time to go. No time to go back and sketch my favorite bits.

In other news, I have finished the first draft of the script for school. Whew. Was getting pretty stressed last week. It is a relief to have this draft finished. I'll take a bit of a break from it this week, until my teacher gives me feedback. Time to dust off all my other projects I've got and make some progress with them. I'm planning on participating in NaNoWriMo this year. So in November I will be writing a novel as well as rewriting my script...Should keep me plenty busy!

Monday, October 21, 2013



I had a great time on the trip and I took lots of pictures. Enough to split them into two posts. So today you get my Conwy Castle pictures. I will probably save the other for Sunday...because I'm not doing anything interesting this week to give you pictures of :P

Another trip where I was on my own in a crowd. The castle is open for visitors to explore as they want and I walked through every doorway and shady stairwell I could find.

Some stairwells were pretty dark. The sliver of light coming from the arrow slits (also known as arrow loops).

A very tiny stairwell and a small doorway. I didn't have to duck through any doorways, but if was just a bit taller I might have needed to...

Picturesque view from the castle.
The city beneath the castle. The wall that was built is still standing and goes through the town. It has grown a bit beyond the walls now. I didn't realize until later that people are allowed to walk along the wall! By the time I realized it was time to get back on the bus so I only got to climb up, then go back down.
Having trouble seeing the wall?

Here's a guide :)

The wall from the outside.

Is it just me...? I go to Wales and find a pub...that sounds like ice cream, but looks like Mexican fast food. I did a double-take when I passed this in the street.

This lil' place claims to be the smallest house in Great Britain. How small?

Here are some people to give it scale. That is a doorway I would have to duck to use. Welsh people aren't terribly short. Who were these buildings sized for?

How cool would it be to drive around in a city where you can give directions like, "turn left and head toward the castle" :D
I did some sketching while I was at the castle. This one was from the top of a tower. I didn't quite finish it because it started raining...But I got the idea down.

Just a quick sketch. I drew this on my way out of the castle and I was getting hungry >.<

Drew a window...from a window. I was hiding from the rain. I had an umbrella, but I can't hold that and sketch at the same time ;)
Those are the highlights for the Conwy portion of my visit. Next time, Penrhyn Castle

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Anglesey Island

I went on a trip Saturday to Anglesey Island :D

We visited this town...the longest name for a place in the UK. Not in the world however. The Welsh name is across the sign there and the translation is below it.

Welsh flag. In case the name of the town above didn't clue you in, Anglesey Island is in Wales.

We stopped and had lunch near the lighthouse here. I signed up for this trip thinking it was a walking tour. Actually it was a coach tour which at first was disappointing, then we got out of the coach and I was very glad to be spending most of the day inside the bus. I was well layered but there was more wind than I was expecting so it was still really really cold.

Another stop was the copper mines. The pools here are so acidic that people used to dump their old cars and stuff here and in about 10 weeks there would be no car left. Pretty amazing.

A shot of the old mines.

Then we got to see a castle! I was very happily surprised, didn't know we would get to see one. This is Beauman's Castle.

A moat! A drawbridge! without withdrawing capabilities ;)

Those little people there are standing on the outer wall and I'm looking down from the top of the keep.

I had a blast visiting the castle. The area is open and you can just wander around and see as much or as little of it as you want. I tried to go to every little dark staircase and room I could find and walk along the tops of the walls. It was fantastic.
I'm looking forward to next week when I'm going on a trip just to visit TWO castles. We were at this one for only an hour so next time I will hopefully have time to sit and draw everything. I'm very excited. If you do not think this is cool...well, sadly there may not be hope for you O.o

Monday, October 7, 2013

Alderly Edge

I went on a walk to Alderley Edge. It was a really nice day, perfect weather and great company.

View from Alderley Edge. I'm told there are abandoned copper mines around where we were standing and it is also suppose to be the resting place of King Arthur...well one of the places he is suppose to be sleeping :P
I had two people recommend the books of Alan Gardner. He is well known for his books that are set at Alderley Edge. I have them on my To-Read list now. I will let you know what I think once I get a hold of them, but see if you can find them and let me know what YOU think.

One of the entrances to the old copper mines!

I don't know the name of these trees, but they are huge. I think they are fabulous.

We walked to a place called Hare Hill, this is a helpful sign letting us know we were going the right way.

We passed through a field were a bunch of cows were chillin'.  

I took lots of pictures of the cows. The white ones with grey spots were really pretty but I like the calf in this picture too :D

Can't go to the British countryside without a photo of some sheep!

A house we passed by. I don't know what plant it is they've used but the effect they've achieved is really nice.
My aunt will be relieved to know that I am no longer drinking coke out of the wine glasses. I found these special coke glasses :D I smile every time I look at them. Coke is the perfect drink. My British friends are trying very hard to convert me to drinking tea...but there is no comparison to a cold glass of coke. Now I can drink my coke in style. I'm giggling just looking at this picture. I think that's enough sugar and caffeine for today...