Monday, November 26, 2012

Final Week

Sorry for not posting last week. Got back from Rome and next morning it was right back to classes. This week is my last week in Finland. I am both sad that my time here is ending, but also relieved. Finland weather is not for me. I could deal with the cold and the rain and the clouds, but not the sun setting so early. My vacation in Rome was the perfect way for me to see the sun and enable me to push ahead with this last bit of school.

Speaking of Rome, I have a LOT of pictures. My internet is slow, however. So what I'll put here are just some of my favorite pictures. Over the Christmas break I may put some more pictures up but I may not update my blog at all. I plan to come back to it in January when I go to Manchester for sure, but over the holiday my posting will be pretty inconsistent. For now, here are my pictures from Rome :D

Day 1
Very first place I went to in Rome, was the library! Just wanted to see what it was like. I only got a picture from the outside because to walk in and see anything I had to sign paperwork to be let in, and that was more effort than it was worth >.<

My next stop was the zoo. I walked through a beautiful park area to get there.

A fountain from the park.
In the park I found this, the national art gallery of Rome. I wasn't in a hurry so I stopped and went it. I ended up spending about 3 hours here. Lots of gorgeous statues and paintings and soem interesting exhibits :)

After the art gallery it was getting kinda late so I had to hurry to the zoo. I took a few pictures at the zoo, but my camera died halfway through so this is the best photo I got at the zoo. I had my I-pad with me though so I spent my time drawing the animals (mostly the lions) which was a lot of fun. I will be taking my I-pad to zoos everytime now to draw with!
Day 2
I went to the Colosseum! And you really notice in this picture that Rome has sun. I have a new found love for the sun. The Colosseum was so cool. I have more pictures but these next two are the unique ones  ;)

There was this adorabel kitty in the colosseum! So cute!

After it got bored with the column, it walked over to this bench. A woman had been sitting here but she jumped up and ran away from the cat (turns out she's got some severe allergies) and the cat happily took her spot. The guy the woman had been talking to thought it was the funniest thing ever.
I bought my Rome souvenir here, a small sleeping cat figurine and a pedestal for it to sleep on :D
After the Colosseum I went to see a bunch of ruins that were nearby. Impressive stuff.

The Stadium. According to the informational signs the name for this is misleading. This was used as a garden/art gallery. The rich would walk around down there viewing the garden and sculptures and talking to each other. No sports at this stadium.
More ruins. I really liked this area. Spent some time drawing here.
The Trevi Fountain! I spent a long time here drawing. I think is a really fantastic fountain. There were lots of people here, but I just found a place to sit and just enjoyed looking at it.

I can't even remember how many times I got lost trying to find the Pantheon. Eventually an Italian woman stopped me to borrow my map. I told her I was looking for the Pantheon and it was on her way so she lead me there herself. Then took me through the Pantheon with commentary about the building and arcitecture. That was fun :) 

At the end of the day I went to a wax museum since it was on my way home. Some of the people looked believable, some didn't. This one was Picasso.
Day 3
I went to the Vatican! I just walked around in the main big area here. I didn't pay to go back to the museum area so I didn't actually see the Sistine Chapel. Next time maybe.

After the Vatican I found this castle, Castel Sant'Angelo. I love castles. Afterwards I picked up my luggage from my hotel and found Jess and Todd! I didn't take many pictures after that because I was spending time with them :)

This was the last picture I took in Rome. All bookstores should look like this one. It looks cozy, is filled with books, and has a book reference right there in the title. I didn't go in since I can't read Italian, but once I learn I'll go back here ;)

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