Sunday, February 2, 2014

It is finished

I've turned in the final, final draft for school! I can now breath easy again and move on with my life. Gotta focus on all those things I had put to the side, like finishing my NaNoWriMo novel and finding a steady job. Fun stuffs.

It is Superbowl Sunday! Haven't decided yet if I'm going to watch it or not, but it feels like I'm obligated to...being an American in the UK. I was a lot less interested when I was in the states but the parties were always good :)

Went on a walk yesterday. The weather was suppose to be rough. Cold and rainy. We managed to skirt just ahead of the rain but it was very windy. There was also a bit that was uphill that I found a bit tough. I think these leisurely walks are about as strenuous as I can take, sad to say. Got some nice pictures to share with you guys!

We took a 5 mile walk in the Saddleworth area, near a little place called Delph.

There has been quite a bit of rain lately so a lot of our path was muddy. Once or twice we weren't sure if we were following the path we were suppose to or if it just looked like a path from the rain run off.

Cool little spot we found. The sign says wisdom, it's a bit difficult to read in this picture. Behind the sign you can see a mini waterfall and it runs under the stones there. Don't know if it normally runs that well or if it just a trickle when there hasn't been tons of rain but it was certainly a neat find :)

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