Monday, January 28, 2013

Explorin' Manchester


Had some time this weekend to explore the city with friends. We went walking around Manchester City Center. I took a few pictures to share :) Tomorrow will be our first class this semester which is exciting. Looking forward to it but also worried about getting lost along the way. Getting to the city center by bus has been simple so far but then from the center we have to find a bus that will get us to MediaCityUK. The bus system in the UK, at least right now, seems a lot more chaotic. For one thing buses are owned by various companies so you can buy a weekly bus pass for one line but still have to pay for a bus to go somewhere else. We will get it figured out though. Here are some photos from Manchester City Center

One of our first stops was at the Manchester Cathedral.
The entrance...

Interior of the Manchester Cathedral.
The buildings in front of the cathedral.
City shot, those are some random strangers there...

Another city shot.
There were some statues in one of the buildings we visited. This was an interesting one. It is a statue of a composer, Sir John Barbirolli.
Platt Fields is very close to my house so I decided to take a look around Sunday.

There's a church in the middle of the park which is very picturesque.

Here's a clearer picture of the church, but I like the other photo as well for the lighting.

Lots of grass and trees. When it warms up it'll be a nice place for a picnic, if it also happens to not rain one day ;)

Beautiful lake just outside my door. This photo turned out surprisingly well.

That's all for now. I'll update you next week probably.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Moved to Manchester

Yay! I've moved in and slept, alot. Now I've taken a couple pictures of the my new house to share with y'all. I haven't taken a picture of the outside yet...because its too cold to go outside. Actually, its warmer here than it was in Indianapolis when I left but its cold and our heater is broken in the house so theres no escaping it until I leave the house. After this blog maybe I will brave the outdoors. Until then, here are pictures of the inside.

This is my room. The closed door is the bathroom. I'm not sure yet if this is good or not ;)
My bed, and shelves above...
Starting off the semester with a messy desk. This is probably how it will stay.
You noticed I had a view? Out side my window I can look down into our backyard and across the alley is the back of the neighbor's house. Lets in light though and I like the old brickwork of the houses so I'm happy.

My bedroom is on the second floor. Downstairs is the front door, with two of the other three bedrooms upstairs.
The living room, downstairs.
The kitchen. You get here from the living room. Notice the microwave, I've already used it for my first Manchester meal.

Through the kitchen is the kitchen table and the backdoor.
And by the time I got this all uploaded they have fixed the heater. I'm working on getting my route to school planned out since that is the first place I HAVE to be and that isn't until Monday. I had volunteered for a BBC program this weekend but they had a high volume of applicants so I didn't make the cut this time. That means I'll be exploring the city most likely this weekend instead. Email me, leave comments, whatever. I'll try to keep updating as stuff comes up.